BLS car transport service

Direct travel to Valais and Italy

Timetable car transport service

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hourglass {{destination.waitTime.time}} Min.

Large-capacity vehicles from 3.5t

Timetable, prices & transport information

Tickets & subscriptions

The right offer for every need.


Loading stations Kandersteg and Goppenstein

Simplon tunnel refurbishment

3 February–27 July 2025: Trains run every 120 minutes

Tickets & subscriptions

The right offer for every need.

Customs information

Import regulations when returning from Italy.

Prices & space reservation

Tickets are only available in advance. We recommend early booking.

Customs information

Import regulations when returning from Italy.

Well prepared and informed

Plan your trip with the car transport service. Here you will find all information on the transport process and the current operating and transport situation.

Transport information & explanatory video
Are you a newbie?

Here you can find out whether your vehicle is authorised for transport and how the transport process works.

Road conditions & operating situation

Enjoy your free time with the car transport service

Fancy unique and unforgettable days out in Valais? The car transport service gets you to the other side of Lötschberg in a flash and to Saas-Fee, Leukerbad and the Aletsch Glacier quicker than you would think.

BLS car transport service
Tips for days out in Valais

Large-capacity vehicles and motorbikes/bicycles

Please note that a separate timetable applies for large-capacity vehicles. Here you can find out what you need to know about the transport of buses, lorries, mobile homes, motorbikes and bicycles.

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