Construction projects & maintenance work

We plan, maintain and build for you

Construction & maintenance work on the BLS railway network

To ensure attractive connections, punctual trains and modern stations, BLS is constantly modernising and expanding its infrastructure - and will continue to do so in the future.

The Lötschberg axis

Doppelspurausbau Lötschberg-Basistunnel

Lötschberg Base Tunnel

Double track extension
Bauarbeiten im Tunnel im Sommer 2019

Lötschberg Summit Tunnel

New tracks

Modernisation of railway stations

2023_Kandersteg_Vorplatz 1 (47)

Kandersteg Railway station

(German only)
2023_Thurnen_Drohne (60)

Thurnen Railway station

(German only)
Bahnhof Heimberg Perron

Heimberg and Steffisburg Railway stations

(German only)
Bahnhof Zell

Zell Railway station

(German only)

Other construction projects

Pendler im BLS Bus Region Burgdorf

Reconstruction work between Langnau i. E. and Schüpfheim

(German only)
Visualisierung Bahnhof Europaplatz Nord

Unbundling rail transport Wankdorf South-Ostermundigen

(German only)
202405 Streckensperre Weissensteintunnel

Solothurn-Moutier line

(German only)
Bauprojekt Kreuzungsstelle Leissigen

Leissigen junction

(German only)
Visualisierung Werkstatt Oberburg

BLS Workshops

(German only)

Always well informed

Restrictions & interruptions

Current operating situation


Check your connection before each journey in the online timetable

Construction Newsletter

Would you like to receive information about construction work in your region (German only)?

SMS alert

Service is only available in german, french or italian

What else might interest you

Night work

Information for residents

Construction work is planned in such a way that noise-intensive work is carried out during the day wherever possible. However, night shifts are sometimes unavoidable. This is because certain work (e.g. on the overhead line or on the tracks) can only be carried out when trains are not running.
Residents and travellers will be informed in good time. We send out letters and newsletters to residents, inform the local media and authorities and place adverts.


Construction noise and other disruptions

Why does construction work also need to be carried out at night?

When replacement buses run instead of trains

Route maps for replacement services

Accessible travel

So that everyone can use public transport independently and spontaneously

Property projects

Attractive properties near train stations

Authorisation for construction work

Do you want to build near railway tracks?

Network Condition Report 2023

in German
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