
Winter break

Our popular direct trains between Kandersteg and Iselle will be running again from 12 April 2025. Due to the construction work on the Simplon tunnel, a reduction in frequencies is unfortunately necessary.

During the winter break, the year-round services of the Lötschberg and Simplon car transports will be available as an alternative. The car journey between Goppenstein and Brig takes around 45 minutes.


Timetable car transport service

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hourglass {{destination.waitTime.time}} Min.

Prices & space reservation

Tickets are only available in advance. We recommend early booking.

Customs information

Import regulations when returning from Italy.

Well prepared and informed

Plan your trip with the car transport service. Here you will find all information on the transport process and the current operating and transport situation.

Lötschberg & Simplon car transport service
Tickets Kandersteg–Iselle

The ticket for holiday-makers and day-trippers

Transport information & explanatory video
Are you a newbie?

Here you can find out whether your vehicle is authorised for transport and how the transport process works.

Road conditions & operating situation
Simplon car transport service
Customs information

Been on a shopping trip to Italy and now travelling back to Switzerland?


Other transport routes

Our car trains travel every 30 minutes between Kandersteg and Goppenstein and every 90 minutes between Brig and Iselle every day.

Slider Autoverlad Loetschental Sommer 2018


In 15 minutes from the Bernese Oberland to Valais


In 20 minutes from Valais to Italy
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