When you travel on RegioExpress trains, we are there for you to answer your questions and help you during your journey.
When you travel on our RegioExpress trains, our conductors are there to help you. They will guide you to your reserved seat or your reserved compartment for your group excursion. They also know where to find an empty seat on a busy train. Our conductors are very familiar with the BLS region and may even be able to recommend a good restaurant or excursion destination. Just ask!
In the event of delays or disruptions, our conductors – together with the train drivers – will inform you of the current situation and what happens next. If required, you can also request written confirmation of the delay from our conductors.
When travelling on trains without a conductor on board, you will receive important information via the loudspeaker system and the screens installed in the train. Our SMS alert also keeps you well-informed before and during your journey.