Photo shoots and videos
Are you thinking about taking photographs in BLS trains or at BLS train stations?
The BLS Media Office will provide you with photo and film permits for BLS trains, Busland AG buses and BLS stations. The BLS Schifffahrt media office will help you with requests for film and photo shoots on BLS ships and at the landing stages. Contact us in advance to ensure that everything runs smoothly during your recordings.
Terms and conditions
Please note the following terms and conditions that apply to all photography and filming activities on BLS property:
- Permits are issued by BLS Ltd and, if necessary, also include approvals issued by associated companies (BLS Netz AG, Busland AG and BLS Cargo Ltd).
- All persons involved in filming etc. in BLS transport vehicles must have a valid ticket.
- The work carried out may in no way disturb or inhibit passengers, uninvolved third parties or BLS staff, and such persons may not be filmed or photographed without their consent. Filming, photographing and sound recording may not be allowed to disrupt transport operations or cause delays.
- Due to reasons of safety, individuals involved in filming etc. may not enter track areas or other locations closed to the public unless accompanied by trained BLS personnel. Such individuals must also wear protective equipment in line with BLS regulations.
- No structures or installations may be set up or used near tracks (live overhead lines).
- Cameras and microphones may not be held out of open train windows (danger posed by tunnels and installations such as signal masts and overhead line masts).
- Instructions issued by company personnel and train conductors must be followed at all times.
- All current rules governing conduct in train stations and on trains apply.
- No photographs, video recordings or sound recordings may be taken or made in stores and restaurants without the consent of the owner or manager.
- The permit applicant is liable to BLS Ltd for all damages that result from the execution of the activities described in the permit. To this end, the applicant is required to obtain liability insurance in order to ensure the liability obligation can be met.
- In the event of conflicting schedules or exceptional occurrences, scheduled photo/film shoots etc. may be cancelled at short notice.
- BLS reserves the right to charge a fee for reproductions that are used commercially and/or to present an invoice for any extensive clarifications or assistance required by the permit applicant during a photo/video shoot.
- The permit for photographs, video recordings or sound recordings must be presented to employees of BLS Ltd upon request.
When issuing a permit, BLS Ltd accepts no liability for any accidents, damages or theft either caused by or experienced by the permit applicant.
Media office
Contact point for journalists
- Tamara Traxler Press spokesperson
- Helene Soltermann Press spokesperson
- Stefan Locher Press spokesperson
- BLS Ltd, Media office
- +41 58 327 29 55 Monday to Friday, 8 to 17 hours
- E-mail Monday to Friday, 8 to 17 hours