
For leisure or for work: the right ticket or travelcard for every journey.


The right travelcard or ticket for every trip

Whether you are a frequent or occasional user of public transport, whether you travel alone or with a group, or whether you take your children, your dog or your bicycle with you – you’ll find the right travelcard or ticket here.

You can easily purchase most travelcards and tickets from the webshop or via the BLS Mobil public transport app.

Mit dem ÖV unterwegs - Libero Tarifverbund

Libero Travelcard

Rail, tram and bus (Cantons of Bern & Solothurn)
Mit dem Zug unterwegs

Frimobil Travelcard

Rail and bus (Canton of Fribourg)
Mit dem ÖV unterwegs - Passepartout Tarifverbund

Passepartout Travelcard

Rails, bus and boat travelcard (Canton of Lucerne)
Mit dem ÖV unterwegs - Onde Verte Tarifverbund

Onde Verte Travelcard

Rail and bus travelcard (Canton of Neuchâtel)
20 Tipps, wie Sie am günstigsten Zug fahren

Travelling for less

18 tips for finding the lowest fares
Jugendsortiment ÖV - Attraktive Rabatte

Youth range

Attractive discounts are available up to your 25th birthday
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