
Supersaver tickets

Travel through Switzerland at the best price. With Supersaver Tickets you can save up to 70% on your connection.

It can be worth travelling at off-peak times. With supersaver tickets, you can travel through Switzerland at the best price.

What are Supersaver Tickets?

Supersaver Tickets are normal point-to-point tickets with discounts of up to 70%.

There are supersaver tickets for 1st and 2nd class with or without the Half Fare Card. The offer is based on the availability.

The earlier you buy a Supersaver Ticket, the cheaper you can travel. Supersaver Tickets are limited. Special conditions apply.

Supersaver tickets are available for journeys on direct transport (all of Switzerland) and on the Passepartout / Frimobil tariff networks.

Where can I buy Supersaver Tickets?

Supersaver Tickets are only available online

  1. Enter the route and day of travel required.
  2. You can see whether supersaver tickets are available.
  3. Select the preferred connection, pay and print out your supersaver ticket.

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  • Online-Fahrplan Wählen Sie über den Fahrplan das passende Billett für Bahn, Bus oder Schiff

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What are the conditions for Supersaver Tickets?


The supersaver ticket is only valid for the selected date of travel and the selected public transport connection (train connection).

Special conditions

  • The number of supersaver tickets is limited.
  • Supersaver tickets are available for most public transport routes except routes within a regional fare network.
  • Supersaver tickets may be purchased no more than 60 days before the desired date of travel.
  • You can buy supersaver tickets via the webshop or via the smartphone app.
  • It is not possible to upgrade class, change routes or change trains using a supersaver ticket.
  • The Junior travelcard or Children’s Co-travelcard is valid in combination with the supersaver ticket.


Supersaver tickets cannot be refunded or exchanged as a basic principle. In a few exceptional cases, supersaver tickets can be refunded in accordance with Tariff 600.9, paragraph 8 at points of sale with electronic sales machines and access to the customer’s file.

If you have missed the booked connection or wish to travel at another time, you can purchase another ticket at the standard fare valid for the same day and have the supersaver ticket refunded after travelling. You must show the ticket collector the original supersaver ticket with a confirmation as well as the original ticket purchased at the standard fare. Only tickets for identical routes may be refunded. A surcharge of CHF 10 will be applied for refunds as per T600.9.

Where a train is cancelled or delayed or a route is closed, you may use the next connection with confirmation from the ticket inspector or sales agent.

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