
Point-to-point Tickets

Whether it’s a single ticket, return ticket or supersaver ticket – with the BLS online timetable, you can conveniently and easily purchase your ticket.


Single tickets

Single tickets, return tickets and supersaver tickets

When travelling only occasionally, you can purchase a single ticket, a ticket for the journey there and back, or a supersaver ticket. In addition to the journey along the selected route, the City Ticket includes a 1-day travelpass for local transport at the place of departure or the destination. All such tickets are available for first and second-class travel at a full fare or at a discounted half-fare rate.


Point-to-point tickets are valid for the calendar day specified at the time of purchase. If you do not return on the same day or by 5am the following day, please buy a new single ticket for your journey.

Discounted rates apply for:

  • Holders of a Half-Fare travelcard
  • Dogs
  • Children aged 6 to 16
  • Children under 6 travelling alone*

* Children under 6 accompanied by an older person travel free. One accompanying person (at least 12 years old) with a valid ticket can travel with a maximum of 4 children. Up to 8 children can travel for free with an accompanying person over the age of 16.

Tip: For every timetable enquiry, you will automatically be shown supersaver tickets (where available). The earlier you book, the more supersaver tickets are available. It pays to book early. Some conditions apply for the purchase of supersaver tickets. If the desired route to be travelled is within an integral fare network, fare network tickets will be issued, and in some cases these tickets will be subject to different terms of use.

  • Streckenbillette Wählen Sie über den Fahrplan das passende Billett für Bahn, Bus oder Schiff

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Supersaver tickets

Mit den Sparbilletten profitieren Sie von bis zu 70% Rabatt auf den regulären Billettpreisen. Die Sparbillette sind ausschliesslich online im Webshop oder via App erhältlich. Je früher Sie buchen, desto mehr Sparbillette sind vorhanden. Schnell sein lohnt sich. Für den Kauf von Sparbilletten gelten eigene Bedingungen. Liegt Ihre gewünschte Reisestrecke innerhalb eines integralen Tarifverbunds, so werden Verbund-Fahrausweise mit teilweise abweichenden Nutzungsbestimmungen ausgestellt.

Sparbillett via BLS Webshop kaufen

Gewünschte Strecke und Reisetag im Fahrplan eingeben. In der Detailansicht der jeweiligen Verbindung sehen Sie ob Sparbillette verfügbar sind. Nach dem Bezahlen drucken Sie Ihr Sparbillett aus.

  • Streckenbillette Wählen Sie über den Fahrplan das passende Billett für Bahn, Bus oder Schiff

Single tickets, return tickets and supersaver tickets

When travelling only occasionally, you can purchase a single ticket, a ticket for the journey there and back, or a supersaver ticket. In addition to the journey along the selected route, the City Ticket includes a 1-day travelpass for local transport at the place of departure or the destination. All such tickets are available for first and second-class travel at a full fare or at a discounted half-fare rate.

Discounted rates apply for:

  • Holders of a Half-Fare travelcard
  • Dogs
  • Children aged 6 to 16
  • Children under 6 travelling alone*

* Children under 6 accompanied by an older person travel free. One accompanying person (at least 12 years old) with a valid ticket can travel with a maximum of 4 children. Up to 8 children can travel for free with an accompanying person over the age of 16.

Tip: For every timetable enquiry, you will automatically be shown supersaver tickets (where available). The earlier you book, the more supersaver tickets are available. It pays to book early. Some conditions apply for the purchase of supersaver tickets. If the desired route to be travelled is within an integral fare network, fare network tickets will be issued, and in some cases these tickets will be subject to different terms of use.

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Multi-trip ticket

Multi-trip tickets (six single journeys) are perfect for occasional journeys on the same route. They are non-personalised and thus are transferable, meaning that they can be shared by several passengers. Multi-trip tickets can be used in combination with the Junior travelcard. Holders of a Half-Fare travelcard, or children who have yet to reach the age of 16, can purchase multi-trip tickets for half price.

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Online timetable
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Saver Day Pass

Travel around Switzerland all day long on public transport from CHF 29.00

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