Simplon car transport service

Customs information

Been on a shopping trip to Italy and now travelling back to Switzerland?

Here you can find the most important information on import regulations when returning from holiday or after a shopping trip in Italy.

If the total amount of your purchases exceeds CHF 300 per person and day, you have to pay value added taxes. Customs duty is also charged on certain goods, such as food, alcohol and tobacco, over a certain quantity.

Get through Swiss customs quickly

Download the official app of the BAZG and pay duty on your goods very easily before crossing the border.

Using QuickZoll, as an individual acting in a private capacity, you can independently register goods for import for your own consumption or as gifts and pay any duties that are owing directly. QuickZoll also summarises all there is to know about arriving in Switzerland briefly and succinctly.

Simplon car transport service
Tickets Simplon

for a journey between Brig and Iselle

Lötschberg & Simplon car transport service
Tickets Kandersteg–Iselle

The ticket for holiday-makers and day-trippers

Lötschberg & Simplon car transport service

Your next departures

Transport information & explanatory video
Are you a newbie?

Here you can find out whether your vehicle is authorised for transport and how the transport process works.

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