At our stops

Pilot projects at the train station

Innovative customer offers in test mode

Together with various partners, BLS regularly trials mobility solutions for the first and final mile, as well as offerings and services directly at the train station. In this way, we aim to offer you an optimum travel experience and further enhance the time you spend at the BLS train station.

Here, you can get regular updates about current pilot projects.

Rüedu Your farm shop at the station

Since 2020, the “Rüedu” farm shop concept has been bringing fresh and regional produce to certain districts of Bern city and its surrounding area. Using a self-service system, you can buy and enjoy fresh produce around the clock in a corner-shop atmosphere.

Since May 2022, BLS is piloting "Rüedus Hofladen" at BLS stations to test the demand of our customers for farm-store products. With this collaboration, we aim to make a contribution towards improving the quality of time spent at the train station and offering our customers an optimal and sustainable purchase experience on their journey.

The “Rüedu Hofläden” can be found at the following train stations:

  • Bern Bümpliz Nord train station
  • Bern Weissenbühl train station
  • Grosshöchstetten
Wir brauchen Unterstützung

Werde Teil des BLS-Kundenzirkels und hilf mit den ÖV weiterzuentwickeln. 

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