Getting about by car and public transport
Your rental car at the train station
Mobility carsharing
A journey by train in combination with a rental car is particularly convenient. Mobility vehicles are therefore available for carsharing at various BLS train stations. Be it a practical small car for the city or a spacious estate car for shopping: Rent a vehicle when you want it and travel to your destination by train and car.
The Mobility carsharing service is available at the following BLS train stations:
- Belp Ahornweg, 3123 Belp
- Bern Bümpliz Nord Mühledorfstrasse 20, 3018 Bern
- Bern Weissenbühl Südbahnhofstrasse 14, 3007 Bern
- Frutigen u. Bahnhofstrasse 16, 3714 Frutigen
- Grosshöchstetten Bahnhofstrasse 12a, 3506 Grosshöchstetten
- Hasle-Rüegsau Kalchofenstrasse 5, 3415 Hasle bei Burgdorf
- Huttwil Bahnhofstrasse 44, 4950 Huttwil
- Ins Bahnofstrasse 151A, 3232 Ins
- Interlaken Untere Bönigstrasse 9, 3800 Interlaken
- Kehrsatz Belpstrasse 10, 3122 Kehrsatz
- Kirchberg-Alchenflüh Bahnhofpl. 3, 3422 Kirchberg
- Mittelhäusern Schwarzenburgstrasse 998, 3147 Mittelhäusern
- Moutier Av. de la Gare 10, 2740 Moutier
- Oey-Diemtigen Bahnhofstrasse 20, 3754 Diemtigen
- Saint-Blaise-Lac Chem. de la Plage, 2072 St Blaise
- Schwarzenburg 3150 Schwarzenburg
- Seftigen Bahnhof, 3662 Seftigen
- Spiez Bahnhofstrasse 12, 3700 Spiez
- Thurnen Bahnhofpl. 8, 3127 Mühlethurnen
- Toffen Bahnweg 1, 3125 Toffen
- Utzenstorf 3427 Utzenstorf
- Willisau Bahnhofpl. 1, 6130 Willisau
- Zweisimmen Bahnhofstrasse 18, 3770 Zweisimmen
Subscriptions and prices
Regardless of whether you need a rental vehicle regularly or only get behind the wheel every now and again, Mobility has the right service to suit any requirements:
Calculate the price of your journey
What does it cost to take a journey with Mobility? Find out quickly and easily with the price calculator.
Trip rates
The Mobility trip rates depend on the vehicle category selected and include:
- Fuel
- Motor vehicle taxes
- Insurance
- Service
- Cleaning and repairs
How it works
- Choose the right subscription
- Become a Mobility customer in just a few steps
- Download the Mobility app
- Open the app and enter the details of your chosen reservation
- Go to the booked vehicle
- Open it using the Mobility card or your SwissPass
- Drive off
- After the trip, bring the vehicle back to the chosen return location
- Lock the car using the Mobility card or your SwissPass
Download the Mobility app
Vehicle categories
At Mobility, you will find the right vehicle model for every situation. Be it an economical small car, a roomy van, or a cool cabriolet: You can check the availability of the various vehicle categories on the Mobility location map.