Additional services

Western Union

Send money worldwide quickly and easily

With Western Union, you can send or receive money in over 200 countries. The amount is often available to the recipient within minutes.

Your benefits with Western Union

Western Union offers you numerous benefits to make money transfer as simple and convenient as possible:

  • Global coverage: Take advantage of the global network with over 400,000 payout locations.
  • Fast: The money can be picked up by the recipient just minutes after the deposit.
  • Simple: The recipient only needs a valid official ID (passport, ID card, driver's license).
  • Payment options: Pay conveniently in cash (CHF), with debit card, Mastercard, or Visa.

How the money transfer works

Send money

Bring a valid official ID and provide the recipient's name (as stated on the ID), the recipient's country, and the transfer amount. After reviewing your details, you will receive a transaction receipt with the transaction number (MTCN). Share this number with the recipient so they can pick up the money.

Receive money

Provide the transaction number (MTCN) as well as details about the sender (name, country of origin, amount) and present a valid official ID. After verification, you will receive the money and a receipt.

Special Services

  • Send & Save: Save on transfers to selected countries with attractive transfer fees starting at just CHF 5.00. The service remains as reliable as ever.
  • Direct to Wallet: Send money directly to the recipient’s mobile wallet (M-Wallet). Ideal for countries with widespread mobile payment systems.
  • Direct to Bank: Transfer money directly to the recipient’s bank account. In most cases, the amount is credited within one business day.
  • Direct to Card: Send money directly to an eligible payment card of the recipient. The amount is available within minutes.

Important notices and restrictions

Please take note of the following points to make the transfer as smooth as possible:

  • Maximum sending amounts: These may vary depending on location and country. Please inquire at your Western Union location.
  • Transaction purpose: In some countries, information about the purpose of the transfer is required.
  • Fees: Transfer fees start at just CHF 5.00. Typically, there are no additional costs for the recipient.


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