Trade fairs & festivals

Super Maché La Chaux-de-Fonds

The Super Marché 2024 in La Chaux-de-Fonds will take place from December 20th to 22nd at the historic Anciens Abattoirs and is organized by the Quartier Général, a contemporary art center.

This event is considered one of the best Christmas markets in Switzerland and offers a mix of art, design and Christmas atmosphere. Visitors can take part in workshops and performances, purchase original creations from artists and designers, and relax in the attached restaurant.

Travel comfortably with the BLS to La Chaux-de-Fonds. The Super Marché can be reached in about 15 minutes on foot from the train station.


The Super Marché offers a shared sales space for artists and designers as well as workshops, performances and a restaurant in the historic building of the former slaughterhouses in La Chaux-de-Fonds.


Friday, December 20th to Sunday, December 22nd, 2024

Friday 17.00 - 22.00 hours
Saturday 10.00 - 20.00 hours
Sunday 10.00 - 16.00 hours


Visiting the Super Marché is free of charge.

How to get there

Travel comfortably by train to La Chaux-de-Fonds. At the train station, take the elevator that leads to Rue du Commerce and then walk straight ahead to the old slaughterhouse. The path takes about 15 minutes on foot.

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