Who we are


incl. information for shareholders

  • 70.2 millions Passengers Regional transport with trains and buses (trains, buses, navigation)
  • 1.36 million Car Transport (transported vehicles)
  • 95,6% Punctuality of the BLS trains
  • 20'200 Cargo (number of trains)
  • 420 km Railway network owned by BLS

Employees 2023

  • 3104 BLS Ltd.(incl. BLS Netz AG)
  • 472 BLS Cargo Ltd (incl. subsidiaries)
  • 123 BLS Schifffahrt AG
  • 148 Busland AG

Annual Report

Stock corporation

General information

  • 24 April 2006 Established
  • CHF 79,442,336 Share capital
  • CHF 1.00 Nominal value of the company’s share
  • CHF 0.30 Taxable value as at 31 December 2023
  • OTC-X (Valor number: 2'588'916) Over-the-counter trading

Capital share (as at 31/12/2023)

  • 55,75% Canton of Bern
  • 21,70% Federal Government
  • 8,99% Non-voting shares
  • 6,28% Natural and legal persons
  • 7,28% Other cantons, municipalities

Share register

The total share capital at BLS Ltd amounts to CHF 79,442,336, whereby this share capital consists of 79,442,336 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 1.00 each. The shares are fully paid-in and traded over-the-counter on the OTC-X (Valor number: 2588916).

BLS Ltd shares as book-entry securities

Since 13 May 2014, registered shares of BLS Ltd have no longer been issued as stock certificates. All certificates in circulation are being collected and shares are now registered as book-entry securities in the SIS registered share system operated by SIX. The Annual General Meeting of 13 May 2014 amended the Company Statues accordingly.
One result of this change is that registered shares of BLS Ltd in the form of book-entry securities will have to be held in a custody account in future. The use of paperless registered shares facilitates trading, eliminates the risk of loss of certificates and ensures automated and timely execution of administrative actions by the custodian bank.

Conversion of shares into book-entry securities

In the event that your shares are already held in a custody account at a bank: this is the case for most of our shareholders. If it applies to you, you do not need to take any action, as your custodian bank will carry out all necessary further steps for you.

In the event that you keep your shares at home or in a safe deposit box: please bring your stock certificates and a completed book-entry conversion form to your principal bank. The bank will open a custody account for you (if one does not already exist) and convert your shares into book-entry securities.

If you do not submit your stock certificates held at home or in a safe deposit box for conversion: your name will remain on the list of shareholders in our share register. However, you must submit your stock certificates for conversion in order to be able to transfer your registered shares at a later time.

Please note that from 13 May 2014, our share register is no longer able to accept stock certificates directly from shareholders.

Lost stock certificates

In the event that a certificate for BLS Ltd shares can no longer be found, share invalidation and cancellation proceedings must generally be initiated in a court of law. In order to avoid this step, the “Revers Erklärung” (withdrawal declaration) form can be used to transfer the rights arising from the shares to BLS Ltd without compensation. This form also excludes any future or additional claims by the shareholder against BLS Ltd.

Contact details for share register

The Swiss equity market

  • BEKB OTC-X Schweizer Informationsplattform für nichtkotierte Nebenwerte

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of BLS AG will take place on Thursday, 15 May 2025 in the Kursaal Bern.

Jahresplanung / Geschäftskalender

  • 12.04.2024 Publication of Annual Report
  • 14.05.2024 Annual General Meeting
Aufgang zum Perron
Who we are
Our strategy
Who we are

BLS Ltd facts and figures

Who we are
Personenzug mit Re 4/4 auf dem Luogelkinviadukt bei Hohtenn
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