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Lötschental mountain path

Discover one of the most famous hiking routes in the Valais

The 9 km long hike from Lauchernalp to Fafleralp is a section of the Lötschentaler Höhenweg from Fafleralp to Jeizinen in the Rhonetal and is considered one of the most beautiful panoramic routes in the Valais. It runs through fragrant forests and over richly blossoming Alpine meadows. High above the walking trail, the glacier-covered Petersgrat stands in contrast to the verdant green of the forests and meadows, accompanied by the nearly 4,000-metre-tall mountain giant, the Bietschhorn.

The trail leads along the Legend Trail and shows you the mystical side of the Lötschental. Thanks to a tricky quiz, your children will also enjoy setting out on the trail. If they succeed in solving the riddles, a small gift awaits them at the Fafleralp kiosk.

The RegioExpress takes you from Bern or Brig to Goppenstein without changing trains. From there, the post bus will take you directly to «Wiler, Lötschen», where the valley station of the Lauchernalp cable car is located.

Savings offer

You can benefit from the discount with any ticket, such as a standard public transport ticket, a day pass, a supersaver ticket, a regional travelcard, a half-fare travelcard or a GA travelcard.

  • 10% reduction on a single cable car journey Lauchernalp-Wiler or vice versa
The savings offer is available at the BLS Webshop, BLS Travel Centres and at any railway counter in Switzerland.

Hiking trail

Lötschental mountain path and Legend Trail

The start of the hike begins on the Lauchernalp. You can easily reach it by postbus from Goppenstein. The hike follows the Lötschental Legend Trail up to the Fafleralp. Surrounded by an impressive panorama, ten old Lötschental legends take you into the world of myths and fairy tales. This route is also ideal for families with children aged 5 and over. Scan the QR codes along the way and read the legends in German, French and English. If you solve the tricky legend quiz, you will be rewarded with a small gift at the Fafleralp kiosk at the end of the hike.

From the Lauchernalp mountain station, the trail first leads to Weritzalp with its simple wooden chapel. Past the Tellialp, which invites you to enjoy Valais specialities, you reach the legendary Schwarzsee. Here you can enjoy a refreshing dip, relax and have an idyllic picnic. The route continues at a leisurely pace to Fafleralp. From there, the postbus takes you back to Goppenstein.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

The route can also be walked in the opposite direction and extended to Goppenstein.

Walking route Lauchernalp–Fafleralp
Distance 9 km
Walking time 2 hours 45 minutes
Elevation difference +132 m / -355 m
Difficulty level easy
Partial variant Lauchernalp–Faldumalp–Goppenstein (4 hours) 

Availability Available on 24.05.2025

Operating hours Postbus Goppenstein-Wiler, Lötschen

Daily from 24 May to 26 October 2025, every hour between 07.03 and 18.03

Operating hours Cable car Wiler–Lauchernalp

Daily from 24 May to 06 June 2025, every half hour between 08.25 and 16.25
Daily from 07 June to 11 July 2025, every half hour between 08.25 and 18.25
Daily from 12 July to 17 August 2025, every half hour between 08.25 and 20.25
Daily from 18 August to 02 November 2025, every half hour between 08.25 and 18.25 


Operating hours Postbus Fafleralp-Goppenstein

Daily from 24 May to 05 June 2025, every two hours from 10.17 to 17.17 with change in Blatten
Daily from 06 June to 26 October 2025, every hour between 08.18 and 19.18


Food & Drink

Rest places and barbecue areas

On the Alpine experience trail between Lauchernalp and Hockenalp, right next to a small biotope, there is a barbecue area. A grill, wood, and water are available.

How to get there

Travel comfortably by train to Goppenstein. From Goppenstein station the post bus (direction Blatten/Fafleralp) takes you to the valley station of the Wiler–Lauchernalp in about 10 minutes. 

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