Bikes & e-bikes

Second-hand bicycles from «Rent a Bike» in Murten

Sales outlet at Murten railway station

A large selection of second-hand bicycles, e-bikes, mountain bikes and e-mountain bikes awaits your test ride at the «Rent a Bike» bike rental centre in Murten. E-bikes have a 1-year guarantee. Find your dream bike now at

Travel comfortably by train to Murten/Morat. The bike rental centre is located right next to the station.

Opening times Today (Tuesday) open

1 April to 31 October

Mon–Fri    09.00–12.00 hours / 13.30–18.00 hours
Sat            09.00–16.00 hours
Sun           closed

1 November to 31 March

Tue–Fri      09.00–12.00 hours / 13.00–16.00 hours
Sat–Sun    closed

Visits outside opening hours can be arranged over the phone. Tel. 026 670 31 61

Opening hours of all Rent a Bike sales locations

Subject to change without prior notice

BLS suggestion

Experience all the diversity of the Three-Lakes Region on one of our bike tours in the Lake Murten region.

And if you're already in Murten, a visit to the historic Zähringerstadt is highly recommended. Stroll through the old town and enjoy the heavenly taste of «Nidelkuchen».

You can also visit the "Rent a Bike" second-hand sales outlet in Willisau. In addition to refurbished Herzroute flyers, you will also find a large selection of second-hand bicycles, e-mountain bikes and mountain bikes in the modern shop, as well as brand new bicycles.

The second-hand sales outlet is open all year round.

How to get there

Travel comfortably by train to Murten/Morat. The bike rental centre is located right next to the station.

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