Bikes & e-bikes

Lake Murten slowUp

Sunday 27 April 2025

For the 24th time, the Switzerland-wide slowUp season will make a stop at picturesque Lake Murten. On a 33 km route around the lake, which is closed to motorized traffic from 10.00 to 17.00 hours, the slowUp Sunday on 27 April 2025 will be all about gentle mobility and conviviality.

Opening times Available on 27.04.2025

Sunday 27 April 2025


Participation in the Lake Murten slowUp event is free of charge.

The normal range of tickets can be used to reach the location.


  • The slowUp lasts from 10.00 to 17.00 hours. The roads are closed from 09.30 to 17.30 hours.
  • The route is cordoned off and signposted.
  • There is no start and finish point, i.e. you can start anywhere.
  • The clockwise direction of travel must be observed.
  • The route and the slowUp Villages are accessible to people with reduced mobility.
  • The maximum speed is 25 km/h.
  • Bicycle helmets and protective equipment are strongly recommended.
  • 5 repair stands and 8 Samaritan posts are signaled along the route.

Bicycle hire

You can now conveniently hire your bicycle for the Lake Murten slowUp from Rent a Bike


You can use public transport or your own muscle power – on a bike or using inline skates – to reach the Lake Murten slowUp.

By public transport

Increased capacity will be provided for the scheduled train services.


Extra trains from Bern to Murten in the morning and from Murten to Bern in the afternoon

S5 Bern-Kerzers-Murten/Neuchâtel: hourly connections.

Important: please check the notices displayed on the S5 trains because the trains split at Kerzers.


Fribourg-Murten-Neuchâtel: half-hourly connections


Biel/Bienne–Ins: In the morning, the ASM increases the connections with extra trains and there are half-hourly connections between Biel and Ins. From 1 p.m., the trains run every hour again. 

All connections are shown in the online timetable

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