Trade fairs & festivals

28th Huttwil Christmas market

A Christmas market where heart and soul are at home

The fame of the Huttwil Christmas market has long extended far beyond the borders of the Oberaargau region. It is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful Christmas markets in Switzerland.

On Wednesday, 27 November, the Huttwil Christmas market opens its doors with over 100 little houses. It lasts until Sunday, 1 December. This is the 28th edition of the nationally established Christmas market, which attracts tens of thousands of visitors to the town of Huttwil every year. This year, the five-day event against an idyllic backdrop once again offers many attractions and a unique atmosphere.

Travel comfortably by train to Huttwil. From the station it is only about 500 m to the Christmas market.


Wednesday  27 November, 13.00 to 22.00 hours
Thursday 28 November, 13.00 to 22.00 hours
Friday 29 November, 13.00 to 22.00 hours
Saturday 30 November, 10.00 to 22.00 hours
Sunday 1 December, 10.00 to 18.00 hours


Visiting the Christmas market is free of charge.

How to get there

Travel comfortably by train to Huttwil. From the station it is only about 500 m to the Christmas market.

Bus service

During the Christmas market and the set-up and dismantling work, the bus stop «Huttwil, Stadt» will not be served. Buses on route 491 will run via Hofmattstrasse from Tuesday, 26 November from the start of service until Monday, 2 December at the end of service and will stop at a temporary bus stop near the fire station.

On Saturday, 1 December, we will be offering an additional evening service from Huttwil to Sumiswald-Grünen on route 483. The additional bus runs at 21.47 from «Huttwil, Bahnhof» with arrival in «Sumiswald-Grünen, Bahnhof» at 22.12 (connection to the S44 in the direction of Burgdorf–Bern).

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