Completed construction projects
Ramsei Railway Station is becoming more customer-friendly
Passengers will soon enjoy barrier-free boarding and exiting at Ramsei Railway Station in the community of Lützelflüh. BLS is investing 33 million francs and completely modernising the tracks and platforms as well as the entire station area.
Ramsei Railway Station as it stands today, with its short, low platforms, no longer meets the requirements of a customer-friendly train station. The station’s technology – such as the tracks, overhead lines and safety facilities – have also reached the end of their service life. BLS is therefore comprehensively modernising the train station and adapting it in line with the Swiss Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).
Key data
- Start of the construction work: August 2016
- Planned commissioning: end of 2017
- Finishing work: by 2018
- Costs: the total costs amount to around 33 million francs.
What will the project achieve?
- We are creating a longer and taller central platform for level access to the trains. The platform will be roofed and feature a waiting room.
- In place of the current station building, a new park-and-ride and bike-and-ride facility is being built.
- The station forecourt is being completely redesigned, with new bus stops. Changing over from train to bus and vice versa will be much easier in future.
- All points and safety facilities such as signals in Ramsei will in future be remote-controlled. Until then, the points still need operating manually. This is a step towards greater safety and efficiency. BLS can thus respond more rapidly to any disruptions in train service.
- As part of the modernisation work, the two railway bridges in front of and behind the station are also being modernised. A new technology building will also be erected, and unused track facilities removed.
Completed construction projects

Baudienstgebäude Hasle-Rüegsau
Seit Anfang 2019 kann die BLS ihre Bau- und Unterhaltsarbeiten im Emmental effizienter von einem neuen Standort aus organisieren. Für einen neuen Regionalstützpunkt des Baudienstes neben dem Bahnhof Hasle-Rüegsau hat sie rund 20.5 Millionen Franken investiert.
Passenger information
Accessible travel
It is important to BLS that everyone can use public transport independently and spontaneously. In particular, this includes people with disabilities being able to board and alight from trains independently and access all information at the train station and when on board trains.