Hiking & nature
Torch-lit hike on the Grimmialp
Tuesday, 28 December 2021
Guests and locals will meet at 18.00 hours to start the traditional hike on the Grimmialp. The lights from the torches will cast shadows in the night in the Diemtigtal Valley, as the snow crunches beneath the boots of the hikers. In the Schwenden chapel you can drink a hot tea and have nice conversations.
Tuesday, 28 December 2021, 18.00 hours
Subject to change without prior noticeRates
Participation in the torch-lit hike is free.
Fahren Sie mit dem Postauto bis zur Endhaltestelle «Grimmialp, Hotel Spillgerten». Der Treffpunkt ist direkt gegenüber beim Parkplatz der Grimmialpbergbahnen.
- Naturpark Diemtigtal
- +41 33 552 26 00
- Naturpark Diemtigtal www.diemtigtal.ch