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Yodelling experience GrimmiJutz in Diemtigtal

20% or 10% cheaper for the Grimmimutz adventure. We tell you everything you need to know about the hiking trail along the first interactive Grimmimutz fairy tale.

Welcome to the new Grimmimutz adventure! As you hike along the six-kilometre mountain trail, you will learn to sing Miss Helvetia's yodelling song, the GrimmiJutz, at nine stations using the interactive app. At the end of the route, you take up your practised Jutz and take part in the big competition.

Travel comfortably by train to «Oey-Diemtigen» and continue by bus to the bus stop «Schwenden i.D., Grimmialp». From there you can reach the Grimmialpberg cable car valley station in about five minutes on foot.

20% on public transport and 10% on the mountain railway ride

Benefit from the following advantages when you buy a standard public transport ticket for the outward and return journey at the same time: 

  • 20% discount on the journey by public transport to Schwenden i.D. and back 
  • 10% discount on the mountain railway ride to Grimmialp and back

The discount promotion does not apply to supersaver tickets or Saver Day Passes.

Available from June


  • Learn a yodelling song with the help of the app
  • Tale of Grimmimutz

  • Solve a variety of puzzles

  • Several fireplaces in the middle of an impressive mountain world

Yodelling experience GrimmiJutz

The themed trail is all about the new Grimmimutz adventure: The evil pepper witch pronounces a curse and turns the Grimmialp into a gloomy place. The Grimmimutz receives help from an elf who gives him a special gift, yodelling. From then on, the Grimmimutz climbs up to the alp every day to sing his Jutz. With his voice, he dispels the negative energy, makes the birds chirp happily and, with more and more people doing the same, succeeds in bringing the sun back to the Grimmialp. 

Nine posts, a yodelling song by Miss Helvetia and the accompanying app

Everyone is invited to learn the GrimmiJutz and help bring colour to the valley. Along the way you will solve puzzles, learn about the specialities of the Diemtigtal and learn how to yodel from the famous Diemtigtaler Miss Helvetia. The "Diemtigtal" app guides you from post to post along the mountain hiking trail down into the valley. The "Diemtigtal" app can be downloaded from the Android Play Store and the Apple App Store. It is in dialect / German and is free of charge. It's best to download the app to your smartphone at home and travel with a full mobile phone battery. 

Trail description

The new yodelling experience GrimmiJutz is perfect for an outing for the whole family. The mountain trail is suitable for children from the age of five, but we recommend hiking boots (pushchairs are unsuitable). 

The trail starts at the top station of the Grimmialp mountain railway, which can be easily reached by chairlift. Wooden signposts mark the six-kilometre mountain hiking trail from the mountain station to the valley station. The pure walking time is about two hours. Depending on how much fun you have yodelling, your excursion can last several hours.

Key information

Route  Grimmialpberg cable car valley station - ride up to the mountain station - hike back to the valley station via the signposted trail
Distance 6 km 
Duration 2 hours pure walking time
Elevation difference +126 hm / -611 hm  
Level of difficulty easy
Catering options 2 barbecue areas en route; 2 restaurants at the start/end 


Saturday and Sunday, 8 June to 20 October 2024 and 1 August 2024

During the summer and autumn holidays:
Wednesday to Sunday, 10 July to 11 August 2024 and 25 September to 13 October 2024

The chairlift will not operate in bad weather. Check the current operating information at www.grimmialp.ch


Subject to change without prior notice 

Food & drink

Along the way, there are two cosy barbecue spots with tables, seating, and plenty of wood on site. All you need to bring for a successful barbecue are provisions, a pocketknife and a lighter. 

There are also two restaurants near the Grimmialpberg cable car valley station, which invite you to take a cosy break after your hike.

How to get there

Travel comfortably by train to «Oey-Diemtigen» and continue by bus to the bus stop «Schwenden i.D., Grimmialp». From there you can reach the Grimmialpberg cable car valley station in about five minutes on foot.
The guarantee for an all-round successful family outing is enough time! To ensure that everything runs smoothly, and you can benefit from the whole experience, including the barbecue stop, it is worth taking the Postbus from Oey-Diemtigen station at 9.35 hours (the BLS connection is guaranteed). The return journey from the Grimmialp postbus stop starts at 3.41 hours.

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