Food & drink

Kambly baking event in Trubschachen

Bake your own biscuit creations

You’ll get inspiration from the Maîtres Confiseurs and be guided by baking experts when you bake your own creations at the Kambly baking event. Let your imagination and creativity run wild and enjoy the care-free atmosphere at this Kambly Experience event in Trubschachen.

The popular baking events are offered for children from 6 years and adults. You can book them as an individual or as a group. Choose between making fine biscuits or a seasonal programme such as casting Easter bunnies or building gingerbread houses.

Travel comfortably and without changing trains in 35 minutes from Bern or 47 minutes from Lucerne to the Kambly Experience in Trubschachen.

Availability Today (Friday) open

27 December 2024 to 24 October 2025

Opening hours, Kambly

Mon–Fri. 09.00–18.00 hours
Sat/Sun, 09.00–17.00 hours

Creative baking for children (from 6 years old)

Wed., Sat., 14.20–16.20 hours

During the summer and autumn holidays, the course takes place on additional weekdays. You can find available dates in the Kambly calendar.

Creative baking for individuals (children from 8 years old and adults)

The available course days and times can be found in the Kambly calendar. Each course lasts 2 hours.

Creative baking for groups (children from 6 years old and adults)

Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat

Groups up to 12 persons: 09.30–11.30 hours and 14.00–16.00 hours
Groups 13–24 persons: 09.00–12.00 hours and 14.00–17.00 hours (two groups of 1 hour 30 min. each)

Available dates can be found in the Kambly calendar.

Christmas baking 

From October to December

Gingerbread house baking and chocolate Samichlaus moulding

Check the Kambly Calendar for dates and times.

Subject to change without prior notice


Registration is required for all baking events.


Baking events for groups

  • CHF 195.00 Group flat rate (up to 12 people)
  • CHF 390.00 Group flat rate (13–24 people)

Baking events for individuals

  • CHF 12.00 Children (6–18 years)
  • CHF 20.00 Adults


  • Registration for courses with allergy sufferers or persons with physical/mental disabilities can only be made by phone
  • Seasonally changing program, such as molding chocolate Easter bunnies, baking gingerbread houses, and molding chocolate Santa Clauses.
  • Apéro with regional delicacies upon request

Admission to the Kambly Experience is free.

Prices in CHF incl. VAT / Prices and products subject to alteration

How to get there

Travel comfortably and without changing trains in 35 minutes from Bern or 47 minutes from Lucerne to Trubschachen. The Kambly Experience is located 200 m from the station.

Tips for getting here

Travel with the RegioExpress Kambly train.


Every Tuesday to Sunday, with standard MIKA trains running on Mondays

Dep. Lucerne 07h57 and 13h57
Dep. Berne 09h36 and 15h36

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