Hiking & nature

Circular walk over the Chapf


Discover the original landscape of the Emmental on this circular hike with "Eggen" and "Chrächen", hills and "Gräben", covered wooden bridges and cozy farmhouses. It's worth stopping now and again to enjoy the beautiful view from the Schrattenfluh over the Alps to the Stockhorn range.

Travel comfortably by train to "Signau" and continue with the hiking bus to "Eggiwil, Dorf".

Route description

Key data

Walking route Eggiwil–Kapfschwand–Chapf–Holzmatt–Eggiwil
Distance 9,3 km
Walking times 2 hours 50 mins
Height difference
up: 361 m / down: 361 m
Level of difficulty medium

Availability & How to get there Today (Wednesday) open

The trail is accessible from 1 April to 31 October.
Travel comfortably by train to "Signau" and continue with the hiking bus 271 to "Eggiwil, Dorf".

Food & drink

The following restaurants are ideal for a well-earned snack or thirst quencher en route:

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Tickets & Timetable
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